Picky Eaters: How to Transform Mealtime and Get Kids to Eat featuring Katie Kimball

Have a picky eater at your house? Feel like you're constantly in a battle with your little ones over mealtimes? Sometimes it feels like negotiating with mini dictators who harbor a baffling dislike for nutritious food! We've got a solution in this enriching conversation with Katie Kimball, a mom to 4, Certified Stress Mastery Educator and Cookbook Author. She brings a wealth of knowledge, practical tips, and a refreshing perspective on the world of picky eating, reminding us it may not even be about the food!

Katie takes us on a journey through the five Ps of picky eating: palate, pain, processing, pressure, and power. We delve into the sensory world of children, where texture and smell can greatly influence how they relate to what's on their plate. We even lift the lid on the potential impact of those convenient little fruit and veggie pouches on children’s sense of smell and interaction with food. With Katie's insights, we understand that the labels we assign to picky eating can create a sense of shame for a child. So, yes, it's time to ditch the labels!

But worry not, we don't just unravel the issues, we also employ solutions. Unearth the importance of unity at the dining table and learn how the division of responsibility can help you tackle picky eaters. Discover how to handle children who may have a hunger strike without turning mealtimes into a battleground. Katie also imparts wisdom on involving kids in meal preparation, transforming tiny moments into opportunities to teach kids vital kitchen skills. Connect with us as we navigate the fascinating world of picky eaters, and take away fresh perspectives on transforming mealtimes from tiring to inspiring!

Katie's cooking classes for kids were recommended by the Wall Street Journal as "the BEST online cooking classes for kids" in 2020.  Check out her website and get your kids started on her FREE Knife Skills Course! We highly recommend her classes! (And, FOC gets a little $ each time you purchase a course from these links. WIN!)

Looking for tools to get your kids into good habits at home? Dial up their level of responsibility with our 5 Star Days Morning/Evening Checklist, the Screentime Checklist, or our Cellphone Contract!

Want to TAKE YOUR PARENTING TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL? Check out our Parent Coaching Courses that will have you feeling confident about healthy boundaries, secure relationships and a better YOU!

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