Antoinette Stein

Instant Pot. Instant Noodles. Instagram. We live in an instant culture.

The whole world is at our fingertips and we are at the fingertips of the whole world. With all the demands and interruptions, it can be difficult to discern our needs and nearly impossible to communicate them. (Which is why the family huddle is essential!) Yet if we do not learn to tap into and express our own needs and those of our family, how can we teach our children to do the same? What hope do our children have to know, love, and express themselves in a demanding culture?

Our children need to see that it is okay, even healthy, to have individual and family boundaries. Boundaries allow us to respect ourselves and accomplish our goals. We say no to one thing in order to say yes to another. Boundaries are the ways we develop ourselves to be healthy, wise, and joyous. The time spent playing video games, watching shows, or checking out Instagram could easily turn into hours. The “social obligation" to help a friend on Facebook could turn into nights of tears and drama. Setting healthy boundaries for ourselves and our families gives us time to understand ourselves, our needs, and ways to grow.

So how do we set healthy boundaries and teach our families to do the same?

The first step is to realize you cannot do it all. It is hard to come to the realization that you are not always that super-parent you want to be. Nonetheless, letting your children see your weakness, your tiredness, and your failures gives them hope that they can achieve greatness while being themselves. Here are a few more tips to help set healthy boundaries.


Say Goodbye to Peer Pressure

There is definitely wisdom in listening to good counsel, but the days of giving into peer pressure should be long gone. Make choices that are best for you and your family rather than commitments from guilt, obligation, or fear.


Choose Quality Over Quantity

Sometimes life feels easier when we are busy. We have places to go, people to see, things to accomplish. Yet in all the busyness we can lose sight of ourselves, our needs, and our potential. Take time to evaluate your commitments and choose the ones that will develop you and your family into the people you want to be. Huddle up together once per week to go over what’s on the docket for the coming week and talk about long-term goals or bucket lists.


Everyone Is Different

Some people have unlimited energy. Others can barely make it through the day. As someone who has been at both extremes, it’s important to remember to do what is healthy for you and your family. Don’t slip into the vicious cycle of comparison—be grateful for what you can do.


Know When to Say No

As parents, we have busy schedules. Piano at three. Baseball at four. Boy scouts at five. The list is never-ending. We are so dedicated to our families, friends, and our kids’ schools, yet we often develop skills without developing the child. Take time to invest more into your children, your spouse, and close relationships than your activities. Someday they’ll thank you. And your cup will be full! Our daily checklist is also a great option to align your sights on what needs to be done. Kids (and adults) love checking off their accomplishments!


Make Decisions Together

One of the best parts of creating healthy boundaries is saying YES. That yes should not be limited to what the parents want or what the kids want, but should reflect the desires, talents, skills, and growth of the whole family. Choosing your yeses together not only shows each individual they are valued but also binds the family together bringing unity. Take time to listen to and incorporate every family member's ideas into your yeses. Grab our Activities list freebie when you subscribe to our weekly newsletter


Slowly Let Go

I am so grateful for my parents’ insight that they were raising their kids to be well-developed adults. As we grew they turned over more and more responsibility to us kids and respected our ability to make our own decisions (within reason). By the time I left for college, I was simply changing location and roommates. The freedom I was given to both succeed and fail as I rose to the responsibility challenge served as a great teacher.


Boundaries give you and your family freedom. Freedom to live together. Freedom to laugh together. Freedom to grow together. And freedom to be – just be – together. Say yes today to you!

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Thriving Family Accelerator

The Thriving Family Accelerator provides an easy, 3-step process to lower stress, parent as a united team, and enjoy a true friendship with your spouse & relationship with your kids. Sign up now for this live parent coaching with proven methods for positively engaging your family and redistributing the mental load. 

Discover the secrets to building a connected + thriving family. All you'll need is a few minutes of your week—it's easy!