The Bulletproof Husband™: How to Become the Husband She'd Be Crazy to Leave

Jordan Langdon

The resource I've been searching for over the past 20 years has been developed! As a therapist working with couples, I've noticed a huge gap in resources when it comes to helping husbands overcome blow-ups, knee-jerk defensive reactions, stonewalling, and gaslighting in their marriages! And I'm not talking about a quick hack or temporary band-aid. 

Imagine a world where every husband has a shield, not against bullets, but against the forces that threaten the very fabric of marriage and fatherhood. The resource has been located!

This conversation, featuring the insightful Endre Gabori and Dr. Jonathan Welton is a treasure trove for any man seeking to fortify his role within his family. The duo introduces us to the Bulletproof Husband™ program, an empowering initiative that equips men to be the partners and parents that seem almost too good to be true.

As you listen, you'll be struck by the raw honesty and the courage it takes to peel back the layers of emotional scars and "narcissistic tendencies" that plague many relationships. Our distinguished guests unravel the complexities of emotional maturity with the precision of seasoned coaches, offering a roadmap for men willing to do the gritty work of inner healing. You'll hear stories of transformations that prove no trait is beyond redemption and that every step toward emotional accountability is a step toward relationship revival.

We round out our episode by exploring the dance of masculine and feminine energies within partnerships, illustrating the delicate balance that sustains attraction and stability. The Bulletproof Husband™ program's community-driven model serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking a brotherhood that champions lasting change.

Don't miss this heart-to-heart that's not just about becoming a better husband, but about true healing and getting back to the love you had when you were first married!

Grab a copy of their book. Visit their website!

For more from Dr. Jonathan Welton, visit his website

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Looking for things to combat boredom and bolster growth in your kids? Check out our Tame the Tech Bundle and the Best Me I Can Be Journal!

Support the Show: Give $20 to keep the mic on. We're a 501 c(3) non-profit and produce this show for parents around the globe.

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Thriving Family Accelerator

The Thriving Family Accelerator provides an easy, 3-step process to lower stress, parent as a united team, and enjoy a true friendship with your spouse & relationship with your kids. Sign up now for this live parent coaching with proven methods for positively engaging your family and redistributing the mental load. 

Discover the secrets to building a connected + thriving family. All you'll need is a few minutes of your week—it's easy!