Put More Heart Into Your Home

Mary Jo Gerd

Does living together under the same roof guarantee that we are growing in unity as a family? Or are we merely sharing an address while retreating to our own individual worlds apart from one another? A 2017 study from Great Britain showed that the idea of gathering around the television to watch the latest hit show, a decades-old tradition, is now a thing of the past. 9 out 10 viewers watched shows alone every week, binge-watching episodes of their own choosing. We’re not even watching tv together anymore! Yikes.

How do we buck this trend of drifting farther apart in our own homes?

By creating spaces that promote family togetherness. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have high ceilings and an open floor plan to achieve more unity. We’ve got some simple decorating hacks to help ignite more togetherness and positivity in the house you already have.

  1. Decorate for Happiness with Inspiring Personalized Touches  This doesn’t mean you need to pay big bucks to make a pinterest-perfect home. Instead start printing fun family photos and pin them on a bulletin board or use magnets on the fridge. As the saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words, so frame tickets to fun events or pictures of places that your family enjoyed to remind everyone of happy times together.

  2. Let There Be Light and Air  Natural light and fresh air can make such a difference in offering everyone a dose of healthy vitality. Open blinds, drapes, and windows. Enjoy some Vitamin D and up the oxygen level.

  3. Create Lots of Spaces to Sit  You don’t need to buy expensive furniture, but think about adding bean bags or comfy poofs that can double as foot rests. If you don’t have a space that invites everyone to gather together for a game night, it’s not gonna happen. Make it simple and be creative about adding seating for reading nooks or appreciating the view from a window. Give everyone a reason to be in the family space.

  4. Everyone Must Make Their Beds!  Not only does this put everyone on the same page of completing a daily common goal—it makes a home feel neater and more like a retreat from the outside world.

  5. Cut Down on Clutter in Common Areas Eliminate so-called “drop zones” where everyone just dumps their stuff. When we put things away upon arrival, it makes for a more decluttered entryway, living room, kitchen. We naturally want to relax in spaces that feel clean and tidy.

  6. Up Your Messaging Game  It’s a proven fact that you can trick a brain into feeling more positive, so start spreading cheer in your family home. Hang inspirational posters, quotes, and art that  get the message across that family matters. Even post-it notes work in a pinch. Get your whole family involved in contributing. Which character strengths are most important to your family’s mission? Is it forgiveness, generosity, gratitude, respect, or all of the above? Tap into your inner PR agent and spread the message of LOVE in all the common areas. And don’t just hang the art messages, talk about what they mean regularly.

Most importantly, don’t stress about the ideas above! Your intentional parenting already puts your family leaps and bounds ahead of the game.These tips can help re-calibrate the family compass and are not meant to be tackled overnight. Instead, pick one or two that are doable and revel in the results. As the Families of Character method teaches us, over time, little daily changes have big impact.

You’re in luck! We’ve made home decor & family togetherness a whole lot easier for you. In every Adventure into Character kit, subscribers receive an inspiring framable piece of art that is meant to prompt thought & discussion while adding real beauty to your home. Families who join our signature bi-monthly subscription box experience unbox all sorts of compelling resources and activities designed to strengthen the ties that bind them. Character strengths like respect, gratitude, generosity become the rallying point for the family. They draw closer by engaging in simple prompts that increase everyone’s intentionality as members of a team: more pitching-in, togetherness, while curbing disrespect and entitlement. Learn more about the contents of each character kit and take your family on an Adventure into Character! (Expensive plane tickets not required!)

If you have an issue you’d like our help with, drop us a line at Hello@FamiliesofCharacter.com. If you’re experiencing a problem, chances are thousands of other families are in the same boat. We’re ALL in this parenting boat together! 

Remember to tap into our Thrive Community on Facebook. It’s free and our team’s very own clinical counselor offers helpful tips and encouragement to parents who are adventuring together. 

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